Friday, January 29, 2021

COVID-Quarantined Family Interviews

Interview Questions

By Nathan Shepherd

COVID-quarantined family members can be lonely, bored, and tired of reruns.  They probably would much rather talk to you, which can be easily done in 15 minute installments.  Consider reaching out to a cousin, a sibling, a parent, an aunt, a grandparent, or a great uncle and asking one of the following questions (or that burning question you've been dying to know about):

  1. Who is active in keeping and preserving our family history?
  2. What were some of your favorite traditions observed around Christmas?
  3. Can you share a story about when you had a spiritual experience?
  4. Can you tell me a story about when you got into some mischief?
  5. What were your parents' favorite foods or special things they would cook?
  6. What is something your parents [or a relation] often said / used to say?
  7. What were some of the rules in your family / house?

Interview Tips:

Write down what you hear or record the conversation.  If recording, ask permission, first.  You can use any of a number of free digital recorders on your phone or another device.

Whomever you interview, greet them warmly when you call them, share with them your interest in learning about family history but your constraint of spending – for now – no more than 15 minutes.  They will probably understand.  For a 15 minute interview, ask them if now is OK but be prepared to schedule another time.  (Typically, we schedule for some other time to allow their memories to resurface a little.)  Listen actively during the interview, asking clarifying questions as needed.  When finished, thank them and let them know of your interest in following up at some later time for another 15 minute installment.

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