Sunday, April 11, 2021

Letters of Appreciation

Words matter.  How and what we say to each other matters.

By Melody Nelson

My blog challenge to you is to spend 15 minutes writing a note of appreciation to a family member that comes to your mind.  It might begin to heal a strained relationship, or it might strengthen one that you feel is solid, for what we do and say to each other matters: Words matter.

Writing in a notebook

In my granddaughters’ room is a wall-hanging of my granddaughter’s name connected with words of affirmation like---amazing, fearless, strong, bold, etc.  This was given to her by her very wise Achievement Days leaders.  So, following this thought process, when I would tuck her in at night, I would tell her how amazing she was; how kind and extraordinary.  The next day when we played together, she had the idea of using her whiteboard artboard to write a note to each other of our honest feelings for one another, but, at the spur of the moment.  She drew a line down the middle of the art board and handed me an expo marker and away we wrote.  I cannot begin to explain the feeling that flooded my heart for her when I read her very honest words of love and appreciation, she had for ME.  Many thoughts flooded my heart, and I began to see the importance of writing notes of appreciation for all my family members. 

Going back to the idea that words matter, and how we talk to each other matters, I am reminded of a scripture: "But this much I can tell you, that if ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your WORDS, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish.  And now, O man, remember and perish not." (Mosiah 4:30, emphasis added)

We can often link the deterioration of a relationship to nasty, mean, or careless conversation.  That relationship perished at least partly because of what was initially said.  No one sets out to destroy relationships, but it can happen very easily if we do not watch our words.  Likewise, we can link strengthened relationships to speaking positively about each other, especially our family members. 

I find it relatively easy to write notes of appreciation to my grandchildren, but I am stretching myself now to write to my children and siblings.  I only wish I had thought of this idea to write my parents a simple note of appreciation years ago when they were still alive (outside of birthdays and Father’s and Mother’s Day)! 

Please accept my challenge and take just 15 minutes to write a note of appreciation today!  It could make all the difference in strengthening or shoring up an important relationship.

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Letters of Appreciation

Words matter.   How and what we say to each other matters. By Melody Nelson My blog challenge to you is to spend 15 minutes writing a note...